Betreff: Report in omega on Als
Datum: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 14:26:45 EDT

In a message dated 10/26/2006 11:46:28 AM Central Standard Time, Dr. Gerald Goldberg writes:  
Hello, Hi Joanne, the point I made was that often treatment tends to point
towards the diagnosis of what is causing an illness. Treatment is often used
to eliminate a cause. This is a common approach to elimination diets etc.
The treatment tends to unmask the underlying cause or irritant and is often
used commonly in clinical practice.

The issue with emf and electrical fields is that they tend to shut down the
nervous system and thus basically shut off the organism. No magic, pretty
straight forward. The issue can be a straight forward shut down of the
nervous system as well as shutting off critical blood flow to certain
tissues in the body. Check out the site on Raytheon they are already selling
devices to be used for crowd control.   JG


Betreff: Re: report in omega on Als
Von: "gerald goldberg goldberg"
Datum: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 16:46:02 +0000

Hello, Hi Joanne, the point I made was that often treatment tends to point towards the diagnosis of what is causing an illness. Treatment is often used to eliminate a cause. This is a common approach to elimination diets etc. The treatment tends to unmask the underlying cause or irritant and is often used commonly in clinical practice.

The issue with emf and electrical fields is that they tend to shut down the nervous system and thus basically shut off the organism. No magic, pretty straight forward. The issue can be a straight forward shut down of the nervous system as well as shutting off critical blood flow to certain tissues in the body. Check out the site on Raytheon they are already selling devices to be used for crowd control.   JG

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<P><EM><STRONG><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" size=5>Gerald Goldberg, MD</FONT></STRONG></EM></P>
<P><STRONG><EM><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting"><A href=""><FONT face="Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif">www.naturalcures4microwaveradillness</FONT><FONT face="Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif">.com</FONT></A></FONT></EM></STRONG></P>
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Subject: Re: report in omega on Als
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 15:43:30 EDT

Dear Dr. Goldberg:   I just sent another item to Klaus regarding  brain and
nervous system cancers.

I will send you a copy also.

I would like to forward your comments regarding diagnosis as well as your
other comments but your email came through incorrectly.

Anyway, it appears that a sentence was deleted regarding your statement
about Dr. Johansson.   If not, what is there doesn't make sense to  me.  I
wouldn't consider conscience to be a deterrent but without the whole  sentence, the
meaning is obviously distorted.

I would think your explanation re treatment/diagnosis is very important but
much more meaningful if either you or I forward to Klaus for inclusion in his
posts for next week.  He will most likely post the new item I just wrote
today re brain and nervous system cancers.

Obviously your comments about increases in ALS, MS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers

Your email to me has no signature and then strange "computer jibberish"
that, again, may be due to my AOL goofing up???   In other words, I  can't just
forward what you sent to me today.

Take care  -  Joanne

  Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue  N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55448-2127 USA
Phone:    763-755-6114
Email:    _jcmpelican@aol.com_ (   (10-22-06)