Betreff: Autism/Alzheimer's/heme/beta-amyloid plaques

Von: Dorothee Krien

Datum: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 23:47:07 +0100



Dr. Boyd E. Haley mentioned a new report "implying lack of heme was a major reason why beta-amyloid  plaques build up in the brains of  Alzheimer's diseased subjects". I've copied the abstract and pasted a blog and a news item on Hami Atamna's findings on heme.
B.E.Haley and T. Small/Medical Vertitas 3(2006) 921 934

Interview with Dr Boyd E. Haley: Biomarkers supporting mercury toxidity as the major exacerbator of neurological illness, recent evidence via the urinary porphyrin tests

Boyd E. Haley PhD           and          Teri Small
Professor of Chemistry                  AutismOne Radio
University of Kentucky                  1816 Houston Ave.
Email:             Fullerton, CA 92833 USA


   In the recent past, several biological finds have supported the hypothesis that early exposure of infants to Thimerosal was the major exacerbation factor in the increase in autism-related disorders since the advent of the mandated vaccine program. These initially included observations of a genetic susceptibility impairing the execretion of mercury and the increased retention of mercury by autistic children. This was followed by data indicating that autistics have low levels of the natural compound glutathione that is necessary for the bilary excretion of mercury, possibly explaining the genetic susceptibility. Other observations clearly point out that various biochemical processes are inhibited at exceptionally low nanomolar levels of Thimerosal, including the killling of neurons in culture, the inhibition of theenzyme that    makes methyl-B12, the inhibition of phagocytosis (the first step in the innate and acquired immune system), the inhibition of nerve growth factor functional levels not cytotoxic, and the negative effect on brain dendritic cells. It is also now quite clear from primate studies that Thimerosal, or more correctly, the eythlmercury form Thimerosal delivers mercury to the brain, and causes brain inorganic mercury levles higher than equal levles of methylmercury.
   Most recentlly, one study showed that 53% of autistic children had aberrant porphyrin profiles similar ro mercury toxic individulas. Treatment of these children with a mercury chelator brought these porphyrins  back towards normal levels indicating toxidity was the cause, not genetic impairment. Porphyrin profiles are one of the most sensitive methods of measuring toxic mercury exposures. Recently, in a major advance it was shown that about 15% of the individuals on one population displayed a marked sensitivity to mercury exposure in their porphyrin physiology, again supporting the concept of a genetically susceptible  population that is more sensitive to mercury than the general population.
   This observation on porphyrin aberrancies brings into consideration other possible effects of mrecury toxidity that are secondary to porphyrin depletion. Porphyrins are the precursors to heme synthesis. Heme is the oxygen binding prosthetic group in hemoglobin and depletion of heme would affect oxygen delivery to the mitochondria and decrease engery production. Also, heme is a component of the electron transport system of mitochondria and a prosthetic group in the P450 enzymes which are fundamental in the detox of the body from many organic toxicants including pesticides and PCBs. Just recently, a report was released implying that lack of heme was a major reason why beta-amyloid plaques build up in the brains of Alzheimr's disesed subjects. It seems that heme attaches to beta-amyloid helping it remain soluble and excretable. Without adequate heme one of the major pathological diagnostic hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease appears. It is well known that mercury rapidly disrupts the normal polymerization of tubulin into microtubulin in brain tissue and aberrant tubulin polymerization is a consistent factor observed in Alzheimer's diseased brain. Therefore, it is the multiple inhibitions of mercury that can cause various neurological and systemic problems and many of these are secondary to the primary site of mercury binding.
Copyright 2006, Pearblossom Private School, INc,-Publsishing Division. All rights reserved

Keywords: mercury toxidity, porphyring, heme, ubulin, autism

Alzheimer's study first to explain death of brain cells

Researchers at Children's Hospital & Research Center at Oakland (CHRCO) have published a new study that is the first to explain how brain cells die in patients with Alzheimer's Disease. This discovery is an important first step to helping researchers devise ways to slow, prevent and eventually cure a disease that affects an estimated 4.5 million Americans.

In a study published in the February 28th issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, lead scientist Hani Atamna, Ph.D., found that alterations in the production of heme (a molecule that contains iron) may be the key to understanding why excessive amyloid-beta is toxic to brain cells. Dr. Atamna had previously discovered that Alzheimer's patients have abnormal amounts of heme in their brains. In new research results, Atamna's team showed that amyloid-beta readily binds with heme to form a compound that can be flushed from cells. When there is insufficient heme or too much amyloid-beta, however, the amyloid-beta forms large toxic "clumps" that the cell cannot dissolve and eliminate.

Though heme binding with amyloid-beta can be beneficial, if too much heme is bound up with amyloid-beta, there may be insufficient heme available for the cell to properly function. When this happens, the cell's mitochondria, which are the tiny structures inside brain cells that produce the energy the cells need to function, begin to decay. Dr. Atamna refers to this phenomenon as a "functional heme deficiency" because the cells are still forming heme, but it is trapped within an amyloid-beta/heme compound.

When they examined the heme/ amyloid-beta compound researchers in the Atamna laboratory were surprised to discover it was a peroxidase--a type of enzyme that reacts harmfully with biological materials essential for proper brain function such as serotonin and L-DOPA. Dr. Atamna believes that the combination of functional heme deficiency, which harms mitochondria needed to produce energy, together with the increase in oxidative damage caused by the peroxidase, is what eventually kills the cell.

"Until now, we didn't understand all the factors that trigger Alzheimer's disease. The discovery of the formation of amyloid-beta peroxidase provides a clear picture of why cells die in the brain of Alzheimer's patients. Our next challenge is to develop drugs that directly and selectively target the excessive peroxidase of amyloid-beta, which could lead to the first significant therapy for Alzheimer's disease."

From Children's Hospital Oakland

A Giant Leap toward Prevention and Treatment
CHORI Scientist Discovers New Therapeutic Target for Alzheimer's Disease

"Until now, we didn't understand all the factors that trigger Alzheimer's disease. Our next challenge is to develop drugs that could lead to the first significant therapy for Alzheimer's disease."

CHORI scientist, Hani Atamna, PhD has just published a new study in the February 28th issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . The first study to explain how brain cells die in patients with Alzheimer's Disease, Dr. Atamna's research could lead to a cure for Alzehimer's disease.

The revolutionary study found that alterations in the production of heme (a molecule that contains iron) may be the key to understanding why excessive amyloid-beta is toxic to brain cells. Dr. Atamna had previously discovered that Alzheimer's patients have abnormal amounts of heme in their brains. In new research results, Atamna's team showed that amyloid-beta readily binds with heme to form a compound that can be flushed from cells. When there is insufficient heme or too much amyloid-beta, however, the amyloid-beta forms large toxic "clumps" that the cell cannot dissolve and eliminate.

Though heme binding with amyloid-beta can be beneficial, if too much heme is bound up with amyloid-beta, there may be insufficient heme available for the cell to properly function. When this happens, the cell's mitochondria, which are the tiny structures inside brain cells that produce the energy the cells need to function, begin to decay. Dr. Atamna refers to this phenomenon as a "functional heme deficiency" because the cells are still forming heme, but it is trapped within an amyloid-beta/heme compound.

When they examined the heme/ amyloid-beta compound researchers in the Atamna laboratory were surprised to discover it was a peroxidase—a type of enzyme that reacts harmfully with biological materials essential for proper brain function such as serotonin and L-DOPA. Dr. Atamna believes that the combination of functional heme deficiency, which harms mitochondria needed to produce energy, together with the increase in oxidative damage caused by the peroxidase, is what eventually kills the cell.

"The discovery of the formation of amyloid-beta peroxidase provides a clear picture of why cells die in the brain of Alzheimer's patients," says Dr. Atamna. "Our next challenge is to develop drugs that directly and selectively target the excessive peroxidase of amyloid-beta, which could lead to the first significant therapy for Alzheimer's disease."


Study explains how brain cells die in patients with Alzheimer's Disease

Medical Studies/Trials

Published: Wednesday, 15-Mar-2006







Researchers at Children's Hospital & Research Center at Oakland (CHRCO) have published a new study that is the first to explain how brain cells die in patients with Alzheimer's Disease.

This discovery is an important first step to helping researchers devise ways to slow, prevent and eventually cure a disease that affects an estimated 4.5 million Americans.

In a study published in the February 28th issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, lead scientist Hani Atamna, Ph.D., found that alterations in the production of heme (a molecule that contains iron) may be the key to understanding why excessive amyloid-beta is toxic to brain cells. Dr. Atamna had previously discovered that Alzheimer's patients have abnormal amounts of heme in their brains. In new research results, Atamna's team showed that amyloid-beta readily binds with heme to form a compound that can be flushed from cells. When there is insufficient heme or too much amyloid-beta, however, the amyloid-beta forms large toxic "clumps" that the cell cannot dissolve and eliminate.

Though heme binding with amyloid-beta can be beneficial, if too much heme is bound up with amyloid-beta, there may be insufficient heme available for the cell to properly function. When this happens, the cell's mitochondria, which are the tiny structures inside brain cells that produce the energy the cells need to function, begin to decay. Dr. Atamna refers to this phenomenon as a "functional heme deficiency" because the cells are still forming heme, but it is trapped within an amyloid-beta/heme compound.

When they examined the heme/ amyloid-beta compound researchers in the Atamna laboratory were surprised to discover it was a peroxidase--a type of enzyme that reacts harmfully with biological materials essential for proper brain function such as serotonin and L-DOPA. Dr. Atamna believes that the combination of functional heme deficiency, which harms mitochondria needed to produce energy, together with the increase in oxidative damage caused by the peroxidase, is what eventually kills the cell.

"Until now, we didn't understand all the factors that trigger Alzheimer's disease. The discovery of the formation of amyloid-beta peroxidase provides a clear picture of why cells die in the brain of Alzheimer's patients. Our next challenge is to develop drugs that directly and selectively target the excessive peroxidase of amyloid-beta, which could lead to the first significant therapy for Alzheimer's disease."


See also Boyd Haley's talk: Iatrogenic Death and Disease Via Acute and Chronic Mercury Poisoning