
News and updates

10. Juni
6. Mai
SRF Viele Eltern nutzen ihre digitalen Geräte nicht nur für sich, sondern geben sie auch ihren Kindern. Entwicklungsstörungen …
12. April
MDR Schmerzt er durch Überbelastung, sprechen Ärzte sogar vom Handy-Daumen. Ergotherapeutin Kathleen Kreibich erklärt, wie …
12. Dezember
Barmer Akku leer, Smartphone vergessen, kein Netz: Nomophobie ist die Panik davor, ohne sein Handy zu sein. Was man tun …

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Micro Waves Effects on Animals
"Micro Waves Effects on Wildlife Animals" (preliminary results). Contents: Population monitoring of house sparrows in valladolid Population monitoring in winter sleeping places Other comments on wildlife and electromagnetic fields. Monitoring the wild birds nesting in “campo grande”, an urban park in valladolid, spain Evidence of a conection between sparrow decline in United Kingdom and the introduction of phone mast …
- Alfonso Balmori Martínez, Biologist
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Electric Words
- Stewart Fist
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Enhancement of the interaction between low-intensity R.F. e.m. fields and ligand binding due to cell basal metabolism
- Bianco, Chiabrera, Moggia, Tommasi (1997)
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Andrew A. Marino - Overview
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Weblink: The Associated Bioelectromagnetics Technologists
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Biological effects of electromagnetic fields
- Bellavite and Signorini
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!! Bibliography on the psychoactivity of electromagnetic fields
- Robert C. Beck and Eldon A. Byrd, from Archaeus 4 (1986): 54-77
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1 January 2004
Effect of extremely low frequency (ELF) 50 Hz EMF on morphological and biochemical properties of human keratinocytes (HaCat)
- Settimio et al
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Powerwatch is a portal gathering information from around the world about EMFs.

Among others an up-to date list of studies on this field is maintained