
News and updates

6. Mai
SRF Viele Eltern nutzen ihre digitalen Geräte nicht nur für sich, sondern geben sie auch ihren Kindern. Entwicklungsstörungen …
12. April
MDR Schmerzt er durch Überbelastung, sprechen Ärzte sogar vom Handy-Daumen. Ergotherapeutin Kathleen Kreibich erklärt, wie …
15. März
Zur Sache! Rheinland-Pfalz YouTube Wie viel Handykonsum ist noch gesund? Laut Hirnforscher Henning Beck tut uns die dauernde …
12. Dezember
Barmer Akku leer, Smartphone vergessen, kein Netz: Nomophobie ist die Panik davor, ohne sein Handy zu sein. Was man tun …

read the news blog

28 April 2004
The effects of radiofrequency fields on cell proliferation are non-thermal Different studies and links
- Sianette Kwee
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24 April 2004
Radiofrequencies and Microwaves
- World Health Organization, Publ. 1981, ISBN 92-4-154076-1
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The Korean report : Effects upon health of occupational exposure to microwave radiation
- Robinette, Silverman, Jablon
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24 April 2004
Ethical problems arising when the trail of professional work lead to evidence of serious risk and misrepresentation of scientific judgement concerning human exposures to radar or microwaves
- John R. Goldsmith
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24 April 2004
The Greatest Biological Experiment on Human Beings Ever
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23 April 2004
Investigation of Brain Potentials in Sleeping Humans Exposed to the Electromagnetic Field of Mobile Phones
- Lebedeva, Sulimov, A.V.; Sulimova, O.P., Korotkovskaya, Gailus
download (PDF, 0Mb)
14 April 2004
Report on the International Conference "Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health" in Almaty, Kazakhstan, September 4-12, 2003
- Karl Maret, M. Eng
download (PDF, 0Mb)
Conglomerates of Cancer and other Pathologies next to Antennas of Mobile Telephony in Spain
- Alfonso Balmori Martínez, Biologe
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more information


Powerwatch is a portal gathering information from around the world about EMFs.

Among others an up-to date list of studies on this field is maintained