Betreff: Melatonin and teens.....

Von: JCMPelican

Datum: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 18:51:29 EDT




To All:     I have copied below one paragraph from an article in Science World re sleep [ access below paragraph "What makes teens like to sleep late?.....] .    I recently forwarded info re a melatonin chart from the website of Ben Best, at:

that indicates puberty is the beginning of a downward decline in melatonin levels. 

Since the decline at puberty is apparantely natural, it is important that teens not only need to make various lifestyle adjustments to accommodate such changes, but also, this knowledge emphasizes the need to provide information to the public that low level EMF/EMR reduces melatonin levels and that moving electric items and some telephone equipment from close proximity to beds may help alleviate a number of growing problems affecting not only teens but all age groups.   These simple changes can be accomplished  at almost no cost except perhaps the purchase of a battery-operated or wind-up clock while awaiting further studies re probable adverse effects from increasing exposures to WiFi, cellular phones, telecommunications antennae, high voltage powerlines, high frequencies on electrical wiring and more.   

From my rather extensive interaction with the public, I am learning that many persons have TV sets very close to beds, or on the other side of bedroom walls, along with similar reports re computers and other items -- especially the transformer boxes for cordless phones and electronic games.

While I can not personally "recommend melatonin," I have shared many facts  numerous benefits documented re my family  after increasing melatonin levels with use of synthetic melatonin (and refer persons to various melatonin studies as well as Dr. Russel Reiter's book, "Melatonin," etc.), as well as from reducing EMF/EMR exposures due to electric meters and electric clocks.

With "great sadness," I have also reported the tragic death of Michael Boyum (age 23) due to Leukemia.  Michael slept with an electric clock and small fan on the headboard of his waterbed.   I imagine he had lost his ability to produce melatonin.........

 I have recently learned about  the availability of natural melatonin through Roger Coghill's websites: and     Take care  -   Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55448-2127 USA
Phone:   763-755-6114
Email:  (6-10-07)

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Q. What makes teens like to sleep late?

A. If mom or dad thinks you like to sleep in because you stay up too late watching TV, here's your defense: New research shows that teen sleep patterns may be beyond your control. Instead, they're dictated by circadian rhythm, the internal clock that regulates all organisms, from plants to humans. The circadian rhythm in humans triggers the pineal gland (located at the base of your brain) to discharge a surge of hormone called melatonin. Melatonin makes people drowsy as the evening winds down. The pineal gland slows its production of melatonin in early morning--just in time for you to wake up. Puberty (the teen growth stage when reproductive organs become mature) causes a circadian phase delay, or a shift of as much as two hours in the daily schedule of sleep and wakefulness, according to sleep expert Mary Carskadon of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. For three to five years after the onset of puberty, teenagers experience a kind of ongoing case of biological jet lag. Researchers still don't understand why.