* Neil Cherry - A comment on "experts" limitations - Re: Info request - Public Hearing in Berkeley, California (29/5/03)

Neil Cherry

I am so sorry to hear of Mr. Cherry's death - his work inspired us to
become knowledgeable of EMF dangers and we owe him a great debt.

Jane DeCourt www.awpg.org


Dear all,

This is a tremendous loss... I am so sorry! Neil was definitely one of
the absolutely most important persons within our field.

With my very best regards
Yours sincerely

(Olle Johansson, assoc. prof. The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience. Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm Sweden)

A comment on "experts" limitations

Hi Klaus: A few sentences in Allan Frey's introduction to his highly
insightful article "Cellular Phones: Are They Safe to Use" (posted on
C.I.O. 26/5/03),on the proliferation of false premises marring a
substantial amount of biological and other specialised forms of research
of EMF bioeffects, have caused some consternation among fellow
networkers on our issue.

The sentences in question are: "But can they [health policy decision
makers] take action based on the biological data now available? I think
not. In fact, I believe it would be unethical to use much of it to make
public health decisions."

Initially, it might appear that Allan Frey is letting us down but when
we read through his well substantiated arguments in support of these
statements, we see how just/valid they are. It would appear indeed--just
as he has written-- "unethical" to base sound public health policy on
such research.

In fact what he points out in the body of his paper is in line with the
quote from J. Burke's THE DAY THE UNIVERSE CHANGED (1985) that Dr. Neil
Cherry selected to place under the title of his "A New Paradigm, the
physical, biological and health effects of radiofrequency microwave
radiation" (The abstract of this is online at www.neilcherry.com).

This quote reads: "Our frame of reference determines what we look at and
how we look, and as a consequence, this determines what we find."

Though with greatly diminished elegance in phraseology, this was also
the third point I made to the assembly at that COST281 workshop in
mid-May: their specialised training in specific disciplines blinkered their
vision and understanding of phenomena, although many of them were
unaware of their limitations in arriving at any real facts or ultimate

Best, Imelda, Cork. Ireland

Re: Info request

Dear Klaus & Imelda,

The following references may be of use, this is as near as I can get you
to official recognition of the condition of "Electrical Sensitivity" .

The European Parliament adopted in 1994 a resolution on combating the
harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation (OJ No C 205, 25.7.94) and
called on the Commission to propose regulations and standards seeking to
limit the exposure of workers and the public to non-ionizing
electromagnetic radiation.

In the light of its framework for action in the field of public health
(COM (93) 599 final), the Commission adopted in 1997 a proposal for a
programme of Community action 1999-2003 on pollution-related diseases
(OJ No C 214, 16.7.97).

Health and safety protection requirements for work with display screen
equipment were adopted in 1990. Council directive 90/270/EEC (OJ L 156,

Council Directive 92/85/EEC relates to measures of health and safety at
work of pregnant workers (OJ No L 348, 28.11.92).

OJ No C 77, 18.3.93 amended as OJ No C 230, 19.8.94 concerns physical
agents including optical radiation, fields and waves.

Council Directive 85/337/EEC relates to certain environmental projects
(OJ No L 175, 5.7.85 -amended OJ No L 73, 14.3.97.

EEC Review Document - ISBN 92-827-5492-8

Symposium Report -"La pollution electromagnetique et la sante - vers une
maitrise des risques" Ed. Paul Lannoye, Paris: Editions Frison-Roche 1994.

Belgian State Council applied "Precautionary Principle" - Arret 20 August 1999.

DG XXIV - Scientific Steering Committee 25-6 June 1998 Meeting Report -
Considered Hypersensitive Individuals in section 4.5


Cyril Smith

Public Hearing in Berkeley, California

Dear Fellows:

In exactly 3 weeks, neighbors in Berkeley will present their case to the
City Council in a Public Hearing. This is a tough battle to stop Sprint.

For more info, please see here.


If possible, please come to the Public Hearing.

Wish us good luck!


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