Datum: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 21:29:17 -0400 (EDT)


An: Martin Weatherall , JCMPelican@aol.com


Martin, thanks for this email.


Joanne, hats off.  Your web site and text has spurred me to write down some current ideas of my own, under the following five headings.  Do let me know what you think.


1)  Personal notes


I have been following the EMF issue for 21 years - since the summer of 1986, when I heard an on-air radio interview of Dr. Robert Becker.  For 11 years (1990-2001), I worked as Ottawa International Airport's Superintendent, Environmental Protection.  While at the airport, I steadily pushed the EMF health issue form worker health and environmental health perspectives.  There was firm opposition from all sides, except for the union.  I now teach math and science at a Community College.


I agree that bedroom exposure is critical, and that many serious health problems can be attributed to EMF exposure.  I also agree that the WHO is dragging its feet, along with many Western governments. 


The Western denial of the issue has been going on for fifty years plus.  I can't help thinking that we need to get regular help from people in other countries - who are well ahead of us.  If not, we will continue to have very limited success with US and Canadian authorities. 


2)  Battle Fatigue?


Many people have risen to challenge the EMF status quo in the States and Canada, only to get worn down by big government and industry.  Dr. Becker raised the alarm in the 1970's and 80's, fought the good fight, wrote two major works, but he is still not known in the public at large, and I last heard he is going blind.  Haven't heard from his colleague Dr. Marino lately.  Arthur Firstenberg has carried out a huge effort since 1995 with the Cellular Phone Task Force.  His book "Microwaving the Planet" is a vital piece in the effort to make Russian research more available in the West.  But Arthur is electrosensitive, and won't use the internet as a matter of principle. He is also being worn down - at least that's my impression (please correct me if I'm wrong).  Dr. Karel Marha is long since retired.  He is a Czech biophysics expert who moved to Canada in the 1970's.  He published a comprehensive book in the 70's - Electromagnetics and the Life Environment. He also managed to issue some vital reports through the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety - but these are now out of print. 


But I must admit there is good news.  Louis Slesin - bless his soul - is still hard at work with Microwave News.  Dr. George Carlo is hard at it.  Dr. William Rea in Dallas, with his environmental health clinic, is also still at it.  Here in Canada, we have Martin Weatherall, Dr. Magda Havas, some strong activists in BC, Andrew Michrowski, etc. 


3)  Propaganda in Canada


In Canada, the Federal Government and the telecom and electrical industry continue with their concerted effort to quash public concern over EMFs. 


a)  Health Canada's Safety Code 6 is still in place, unchanged.  In 1998-99, the Royal Society of Canada did a whitewash job on the Code and particularly on cell phones. 


b)  The Canadian wireless industry has recently put up a web site:   www.rfcom.ca .  It is hosted at the University of Ottawa's McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment. This is a very well-presented site.  However, their list of references only includes no-effects research findings.  The existence of much tighter standards in Europe and Russia is totally ignored.  This site is so brazen I can scarce believe it.  And yet, there it is.  And it will convince many that wireless is safe.  The same Centre is doing research on cancer and wireless for the IARC - funded almost completely by the industry.  See http://www.safewireless.org/SWIMemberContent/SWIAlerts/tabid/187/ctl/ArticleView/mid/466/articleId/69/Cell-phone-use-and-cancer.aspx 


c) Things are not very different in francophone Quebec.  In the early 1990's, one of the province's leading environmental experts and ethicists wrote what amounts to a whitewash of EMF health effects, focusing on "risk management".  He wrote the book during his stint as Hydro Quebec chair in Ethics at McGill University.  Hydro Quebec is the provincial electric power public utility.  Don't get me wrong - his intentions were certainly honourable.  But how he managed to ignore the vast US and international documentation on the adverse health effects of EMFs is a mystery to me.


4)  Expertise Abroad


There is a vast storehouse of EMF experience and expertise in the former Communist bloc and Europe.  It would be terrific to have their experts come and speak in North America on a regular basis.  I am thinking in particular of Dr. Yuri Grigoriev, head of the Russian Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.   The RCNIRP has 50 years of experience enforcing their very tight EMR-EMF standards, which they established in 1957.  They are currently fighting to keep these standards in the face of WHO's blunt attempt at international harmonization. 


A recent French book provides a comprehensive and detailed account of the EMF issue, world-wide, including Russia's contribution (Ces ondes qui soignent, ces ondes qui tuent, by Jean-Claude Lentin, publisher Albin Michel, 2001).  For instance, Lentin reports that the Russians have asked for funds to translate their research, but the West has not come through.


Regular contact with more advanced and experienced people might help us avoid nasty conflicts within the EMF activist community - e.g. the recent flap over the Stetzer filters brought on by Health Canada's evaluation report.


Someone would have to pay for Dr. Grigoriev's trip.  Are there any "objective," "scientific" public funds available for really honest conferences and meetings?  Would Health Canada or the US EPA ever consider inviting Dr. Grigoriev?  What a concept!  And yet if an anti-industry, private source of funds is located, it immediately gets stuck with the usual labels: non-science, private interest, crackpot activist, etc.  What a world.


Anyhow, those are my thoughts on the issue at hand.




Martin Weatherall wrote:

Joanne Mueller of Minnesota, USA, works tirelessly to bring awareness to the danger of sleeping next to electrical wiring, electrical appliances, electric meters and other sources of electro magnetic radiation.  She has had the terrible experience of seeing her grandsons and her husband become very ill from this kind of exposure and she does her best to inform as many people as possible. 


I strongly advise people to avoid exposure to EMR during the sleeping period by unplugging all appliances and lights near to the bed.  Try sleeping with no live electrical wiring near to the bedroom, you will need to turn off the main breakers for the bedroom and any wiring that runs above or below the bedroom (make sure you leave the fridge and freezer running).  People are often surprised at the difference they feel and the improvement in their health, when they try this.  Electro magnetic radiation is a stressor on the body, we need to protect ourselves as much as possible during sleep.


I thank Joanne for all her efforts and I hope you find her information (below) interesting.





----- Original Message -----

From: JCMPelican@aol.com

To: kevin@kevinsodenmd.com

Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 2:43 AM

Subject: Urgent need to inform doctors, parents and others re EMF/EMR bedside exposures..


Dear Dr. Soden:    As a doctor with a Master's Degree in Public Health  ( http://www.kevinsodenmd.com/  ), in addition to your work as a Medical Correspondent and Medical Investigative Reporting on  NBC's  "Today Show,  I am appealing to you for help in getting the word out to the public regarding the critical need to move electric items and some telephone equipment away from close proximity to beds.


Rather than providing background information in this email, you may want to review my email to Dr. Marilyn Albert, a member of the Alzheimers' Advisory Board Task Force by clicking on the following link: 

http://freepage.twoday.net/stories/3038870/  . 


Copied below is my email dated July 10, 2007, to Mr. Barclay Fitzpatrick, Vice President of Communications for Blue Cross regarding "prudent avoidance recommendaions" particularly re bedroom EMF/EMR exposures:    [ Note:  Mr. Fitzpatrick's email address is no longer active...]


 Forwarded Message:


BlueCross Secret Memo Re: 'Sicko' ...  


7/10/2007 10:07:57 P.M. Central Daylight Time








Dear Mr. Fitzpatrick:   Copied below my comments, is item 4 of your critique of Michael Moore's "SICKO."  


You are correct that Moore did not address "lifestyle choices."  While the choices you mention are undoubtedly causing significant increases in overall healthcare costs, there is another very important issue Moore also chose to  ignore.   I felt what I am about to write was important enough to appeal to Moore several times -- the last time when he was asking for opinions re our healthcare system.  


I am referring to the issue of providing "prudent avoidance recommendations" regarding low level, "close," chronic, prolonged EMF/EMR (electromagnetic fields/electromagnetic radiation) pollution emanating from electric meters, gas meters, electric appliances such as electric clocks, small fans, monitors, noise machines, air purifiers, aquarium pumps and heaters, touchlamps, lamps with dimmer switches, TV's, computers, transformers for cordless phones and electronic games, security alarms, cell phone chargers  -- literally any such items that might be in close proximity to persons' beds.   Bad wires and even waterpipes running over or under beds may be producing high currents.   There may be high frequencies on electrical wiring throughout homes.


Would you consider the placement of an infant's crib against a bedroom wall on which an electric meter is mounted to the outside wall adjacent to the crib to be "a lifestyle choice?" 


You, like most of the public, are victims of "governmental neglect" that actually comes closer to outright "fraudulent concealment" thereby rendering citizens "participants in experimentation without informed consent!" 


While the act of placing a newborn infant (or any child or person) in a bed that is adjacent to an electric meter may seem innocent and lacking in reasons for concern, I have two grandsons who were diagnosed with rare immune deficiencies.   Their cribs/beds were unknowingly placed in harms way -- against the "powerwall" -- because our government, the electric utilities and also the various cancer societies were not announcing "prudent avoidance measures re low level EMF/EMR."


The immunologist asked whether children had died in our family.  We were told the boys (cousins living in different cities) may develop Leukemia or Lymphoma or other cancers.   We were also told their rare immune deficiency(ies) -- low IgG subclasses 1 and 3 would not be expected to occur in infants or toddlers -- that this was "an adult pattern" (the boys' cells were "aging") -- that there is/was no name for their problem -- only the description "hypogammaglobulinemia" which means "low immune......"   


The immunologist said "this must be genetic."  Blood tests were run and he then said, "this has to be environmental...."    I asked about the two high voltage powerlines only 50 ft. from the front of our house (we had been providing daycare for the boys).  The doctor responded, "well, we know that EMF's affect immune function in mice but we don't know how much of what happens to mice happens to people...." 


This was all occuring during the $46 mil EMF RAPID Study.  The boys' blood was sent to Dr. Fatih Uckun while he was still at the University of Minnesota.   We were not told he was one of the scientists participating in the EMF RAPID Study.    After Uckun left the University of Minnesota, the National Institute of Health helped him open the Wayne Hughes Institute.    See Uckun's comments re EMF's at:



To this day, the EMF RAPID Interagency Committee Report has never been presented to Congress.   I have made several requests of politicians to testify before Congress.  EMF's were designated as Class 2B carcinogens.  While funds were slotted for "notifying the public," this has not occurred.


Tragically, a teacher, Michael Boyum, unknowingly had a small fan and electric clock on the headboard of his waterbed.   Michael focused on "good health" -- he held a black belt in karate.  Michael died at the age of 23 from Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.  Ironically, Dr. Fatih Uckun is the doctor who attempted "last ditch, extraordinary measures" to save Michael while he was a patient at the Parker-Hughes Cancer Center. 


The costs of just the above three families as result of possibly "preventable health problems," were staggering and not only included considerable payments by insurers but also jeopardized family life (in many ways) for those affected,  far into the future. 


My husband, Bud, has now improved in three parts of his Executive Function.  He is said not to have Alzheimers afterall but continues to suffer moderate-to-severe memory loss and cognitive impairment.   I moved Bud's electric clock radio off his nightstand and started him on a regime of nightly melatonin (as well as a number of other supplements).  I also discontinued his statin -- "Lipitor."   Evidence is mounting that many drugs may be causing severe adverse reactions particularly when individuals are sleeping close to electrical or telephone equipment.   Insurers have been and continue to cover a multitude of symptoms related to this type of adverse interaction/reaction.


Since you, Mr. Fitzpatrick, are involved in "communications," why don't you take the lead in regard to informing "Blue members," together with affiliated unions, large corporations, etc., that there is a critical need to move electric and telephone equipment away from persons' beds?  


I will be glad to send you a copy of the 1993 "USA Today" afticle that I received from the American Cancer Society recommending electric items be moved away from close proximity to beds.   Also, I can send you a copy of a booklet re EMF' that was prepared by utilities' communications' experts with the same recommendations.  That booklet was distributed by Florida Power & Light and possibly also Sacramento Power & Light before printing was stopped in 2001. 


The above-mentioned health problems in my family are only part of our family's costs of our  not being informed re simple, basically cost-free "prudent avoidance measures...."    The people need your help, Mr. Fredrickson, to make "important lifestyle choices."


I look forward to hearing good things in regard to your help toward improving our healthcare system!!!     Best wishes and take care  -   Joanne


Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs "R" Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55448-2127 USA
Phone:   763-755-6114
jcmpelican@aol.com  (7-10-07)


"The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity.......  --Mahatma Gandhi

ARE YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN GUINEA PIGS?    Letter 7-22-04 by Joanne Mueller


                                         *                                 *                          *


Mr. Fitzpatrick's comments (re Michael Moore's "SICKO"):

4. Perhaps most damaging of all, Moore completely fails to address the most significant driver of health care costs - our own lifestyle choices - and seeks to focus attention and efforts on the alluring 'quick-fix' of universal health care. )........


Contrast this to the recent Health Care Symposium held in Harrisburg - where a panel of representatives from Government, Insurance, Hospitals, Business, Physicians, and even Lawyers agreed on one thing - that there was no quick fix and that Health and Wellness was the critical area of focus.

                                          *                                     *                              *


My website, Guinea Pigs "R" Us, is now online:  http://guineapigsrus.org


Please call or email with any questions.    Best wishes and take care  -  Joanne


:Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs "R" Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55448-2127 USA
Phone:   763-755-6114
jcmpelican@aol.com  (7-24-07)


All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed: then it is violently opposed: finally it is accepted as self evident.  -   Schopenhauer

Betreff: EMF Issue.....

Von: JCMPelican@aol.com

Datum: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:07:38 EDT



Dear François:    Nice to hear from you and thanks for your kind words!   This indicates to me that help "for the children" is right around-the-corner......


I was able to read your email but do not have the amount of time I need to respond specifically to most of the excellent points you make except to say that you definitely have a very good understanding of many of the issues involved.


I, personally believe the World Health Organization (WHO) will be forced to deal openly with prudent avoidance issues very soon.  This will occur because every symptom and health problem is rising at such a rapid rate that statistics are being cited for individual problems such as even asthma alone as being capable of wiping out insurance coverage (at least here in the U.S.). 


As you most likely know, the same is being said about rapid increases in the diagnosis of autism, Alzheimers and other diseases.


"Big Pharma" will not be able to continue releasing drug after drug considering the rate they are being pulled off the shelf and/or being assigned black box warnings.   That industry as well as many others will soon have to begin to honestly address issues that have been hidden for years. 


I am pleased to hear that my work has further inspired you considering the 21 years you have already been researching issues surrounding EMF/EMR exposures!   


Your comments re the Russians are particularly interesting because I often write about the studies that remain "untranslated" and yet are a part of the PubMed scientific studies, often, including a U.S. reference in addition to the Russian institution, etc.   For the study to state "no abstract available" -- Russian language only, or "Japanese language only," is inexcusable in this day and age.  The studies are "too sensitive" and "too conclusive."


Your idea about having the Russian scientist come to meetings in Canada and the U.S. is a good one but as is the case already, "mainstream media" is caught up in the corrpution and greed along with industries and governments.


I have a new idea I will be writing about soon where the potential exists to have at least some prudent avoidance info re EMF/EMR reach over 53 million senior citizens.  In the meantime, I plan a writing campaign (as time allows) and whether or not I receive any replies -- not only emails and letters to 2008 Presidential candidates for 2008 but also copies to head offices for national unions, medical associations, insurance companies and more.  


I think the only way to "box-in" poliiticians to deal with this very serious situation is to point out to the various groups how this "criminal negligence" is adversely affecting their organizations, their own health, their families and so forth. 


The other details you mention is "fuel-for-the-fire" -- I often look back and refer to what others have done re the cause because, as you indicate, there is a whole lot of information that came about through the efforts of many hardworking persons who for whatever reason are now not able to carry on the fight.  We can not afford to ignore the important work of  Dr. Ross Adey, Dr. Neil Cherry and others you mention. 


Our words are powerful -- their silence supports this.......    For the good of humanity, "THEY" will have to yield to common sense and protect the masses as best they can before it is too late for everyone!!!


Best wishes and take care  -   I will try and review more of your email when I have a chance  -  Joanne


Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs "R" Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55448-2127 USA
Phone:   763-755-6114
jcmpelican@aol.com  (7-25-07)


NEW WEBSITE:  http://guineapigsrus.org 


"The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity....."  --Mahatma Gandhi